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Arkansas Leads the Way in School Broadband

Arkansas students using robotics in a classroom
In 2014, Governor Asa Hutchinson signed into law his ambitious plan to make computer programming available in every high school across the state. In order to make this and other digital learning opportunities a reality for students, the state needed to increase broadband connectivity in classrooms.

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They worked with EducationSuperHighway and other partners to utilize federal resources and state funding to create a state-wide network. Arkansas is now the first state to meet the Federal Communication Commission’s school broadband goal of 1 Mbps per student, providing enough bandwidth to make digital learning a reality in every classroom, every day. Their efforts to provide equal access to education resources are helping build the foundation for the next generation of leaders in technology and beyond.

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Closing the Broadband Affordability Gap in Post-ACP America

Congress’s failure to fund the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) is a significant blow to millions of Americans who rely on it to get internet and stay online. However, a new permanent affordable broadband benefit and the deployment of free or low-cost Wi-Fi to low-income apartment buildings can close America’s broadband affordability gap.

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Wanna Get an A+ on BEAD? Unit-level connectivity for MDUs is a Must

According to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), including unit-level connectivity for MDUs in the BEAD subgranting process is a stipulation of the Program included in the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) and essential for achieving the goal of universal service.
EducationSuperHighway can provide recommendations and guidance to State Broadband Offices wishing to maximize their BEAD funding by prioritizing MDU connectivity.

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